Category Archives: girls

Apple confirms removal of ‘Hottest Girls’ iPhone porn app

Despite an initial statement from an iPhone porn app developer that said he had pulled the app from the store himself, Apple on Friday confirmed that it had been the one to remove the app due to a violation of its terms.

The “Hottest Girls” app made its debut in the App Store on Thursday, and was the first app to feature full frontal nudity. Later in the day, however, it disappeared from the store.

“Apple will not distribute applications that contain inappropriate content,” the company said in a statement. “The application is no longer available on the App Store.”

Apple accused the developer, Allen Leung, of adding “inappropriate content” from Leung’s server after Apple had already approved and distributed a version of the app, and after Apple had already asked him to remove some offensive comment, Apple said.

“This was a direct violation of the terms of the iPhone Developer Program,” Apple said.

In a Thursday note on his Web site, which has since been removed, Leung said that he had “sold out” of the Hottest Girls app and had removed it from the App Store because demand was overloading his servers. He promised that it would return, with the nudity intact, but given Apple’s response, that does not seem likely.

Leung did not immediately respond to an e-mail request for comment.

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Filed under app, app store, girls, hottest girls, iphone