Monthly Archives: February 2012

Windows 8 Public Beta Tomorrow!!!


Tomorrow is the release of Windows’ long awaited beta of their Win8 operating system. The user interface is similar to the Mango software for current the Windows Phone’s that have not been selling very well since their inception into the smartphone market in 2010. A tiled overlay is erected as the menu over the standard windows 7 that have become comfortable with. “Windows is looking to bridge the gap between smartphone and computer operating system” – Craig T. (Windows field representative) The flow of the operating system and the ARM support seems like Windows is gearing up for a tablet, probably with a Tegra 3, but probably not till the Christmas season. Looks like Microsoft is playing the Apple game creating an operating system “with legs”.

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We’re live from Mobile World Congress 2012!

By Zach Honig posted Feb 25th 2012 12:00PM

It may be the dead of winter, but you wouldn’t know that in Barcelona. The sun’s shining bright on Fira, the Spanish city’s main exhibition center, as construction crews work furiously (read: gather on staircases for seemingly day-long lunch breaks) to prepare for Mobile World Congress. We’ve arrived in the Catalonian capital to bring you the latest and greatest from el mundo de la telefonia movil, beginning with tomorrow’s manufacturer previews. For now, grab a glass of sangria and enjoy el fin de semana — the fun begins at dawn.

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The Galaxy Note/ Galaxy Journal

Samsung’s Newest product in the mobile game is the 5.3 inch screen welding Glaxy Note. As a Samsung Fanatic, this phone is amazing. The only problem is that it’s running AT&T’s 4G LTE Service, and not Verizon Wireless’s super fast available everywhere 4G LTE. After speaking to representives from Samsung’s Northeast feild representives it has been confirmed that a Verizon Wireless Version of the Note is being discussed, and that it would be called “The Galaxy Journal”.

As a Verizon Wireless customer I have the choices of the best devices on the market however the Note definetley is one of the few that are not available. Stay tuned for more information as the Galaxy Note changes stripes as the Big Red Galaxy Journal.

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Ice Cream Sndwhiches for Everyone!

The latest version of Google’s Android operating system, Android 4.0, known as “Ice Cream Sandwich,” will be hitting several devices through software updates in coming months.

Currently available on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Ice Cream Sandwich brings a redesigned user interface with enhanced multitasking, notifications, Web browsing and more.

Devices expected to be upgraded include:

DROID Incredible 2

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